Monthly Archives: November 2015

Top Slots to Play and Win On the Go

op Slots Optimised for Mobile DevicesYou and I both know that here’s much more to playing mobile slots than just accessing a casino site on your mobile device. So let’s go over the most important factors, for the less experienced souls. First and foremost, you need to choose a casino with a rock-solid software provider. This will guarantee that games load fast, are glitch-free and that you will have the best mobile gaming experience possible. Moreover, it’s no use having a mobile app powered by a great software provider, if that app only includes couple of slots and no jackpots whatsoever. I mean, what’s the point of playing slots, if you don’t go for the life-changing jackpots? Might as well download some play money apps from Google Play, right?

And since we mentioned software providers, there’s no doubt about it that NetEnt gave a whole new meaning to mobile slots in 2011, when they launched their first ever casino games deigned specially for mobile devices. They truly managed to optimize their games as to maximise enjoyment for mobile players, while not sacrificing any of the mind-blowing graphics of their slots. As a result, their nearly 40 NetEnt Touch slots are indeed the gems of mobile gambling and anyone who has ever tried them, would agree. And it’s not only thanks to the graphics, but also to all the gameplay settings that make them the most sought-after slots to play on the go. More information about mobile slots with real money can be found here.

A stable software platform is also crucial when playing for real money, because you don’t want lagging or interrupting spins while you play for the jackpot, let’s say. You need to be able to rely on the app to entertain and hopefully make you rich, not drive you bonkers, right? So, I strongly recommend NetEnt Touch slots, for your mobile pleasure. Aliens, Gonzo’s Quest, Magic Portals, South Park – no matter which one you choose, you are in for quite the ride.

Wishing You a Warm Welcome!

A laptop with "play" on keyboardHey, guys! My name is Josh and I am delighted to welcome you to my blog! What is it going to be about, you ask? Well, just about everything fun and entertaining, with fantastic graphics and mind-blowing effects. But if you need me to spell it out for you, here it is: gambling! Actually, I guess iGaming is the proper term. I have been playing casino games ever since I can remember, but doing it online and even mobile is so much more convenient and hassle-free that it has really become a day to day activity to me. Of course, I don’t play for money all the time, not by far. Most of the times I play to take the pressure off after a long day at work – I do work, you know!

And still, there are days in which luck is on my side, so I basically make the most out of every spin, be it on the progressive jackpot slots or on the Live Roulette. These are my favourites among casino games, but what really gets my heart pumping is poker. Yes, Texas Hold’em and not only. I also love playing Omaha Hi/Lo and whoever tried it knows that just about anything can happen during the game – you may be the king on the flop, but the turn and river may squash the last bit of hope in you. Brutal game, I tell you, but I got so hooked that now Texas Hold’em seems pretty boring.

Anyway, the idea behind this blog was to share with you some of my iGaming experience, as well as tips and tricks for making the most out of every game, bonus and so on. So, stay tuned for many interesting articles!